Star Medal Award Scheme – the Story of Shaun

Little Shaun (alias) lacked family care. He moved from one hostel to another and finally came to our Home. In the first few months of his stay, he often threw tantrums and displayed behavioral problems. He was impulsive and his self-care was poor.

Award Scheme – enhance “confidence, self-care, self-learning

Situation like Shaun is often found in the children of our home. Thus house parents specially designed a “Star Medal Award” scheme to encourage children to develop and learn in a few areas, e.g. life skills, multiple intelligences and field training. This kind of award scheme turns the children’s hard work into measurable goals which constantly promotes self-challenge and enhance their “confidence, self-care, and self-learning” abilities.

To Shaun, this award scheme enabled him to actively improve in life skills, e.g. cleaning his face, brushing his teeth and combing his hair. Now he will take initiative to tidy his wardrobe and fold his clothes in free time. He also takes initiative to ask for more housework, such as folding garbage bags and sending them for recycling. Shaun can choose to participate in different activities according to his preferences and interests. This little boy actually chose Chinese typing and sewing!

Star Medal Award and Advanced Growth

Clear indicators of this scheme promote advancement step by step with specific goals. After the award ceremony, he showed great excitement. The medal became a concrete indicator that encouraged his active participation.


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